Tips For Your Morning Rituals
"How you start your day is how you live your day" - Kristine Carlson
Imagine What Would Happen If You Started Each New Day With The Same Determination And Inspiration That Is Normally Reserved For The Start Of A New Year?  When You Rise Up In The Morning, Remind Yourself Of What A Precious Privilege It Is To Be Alive, To Breath, To Reach For & Accomplish New Things That Day.  Many People Don't Get That Privilege So It Shouldn't Be Taken Lightly.  Most People Wake Up And The First Thing That Starts Running Through Their Mind Is A Lot Of Stress, Worry, And Negative Thoughts About The Day Ahead And Simply Looking Forward To It Being Over, And That's No Way To Live!
Rituals Will Allow You To Get More Out Of Everyday!
"A daily ritual is a way of saying I'm voting for myself;
I'm taking care of myself"
Martel Hemingway

Creating Daily Rituals For Yourself Can And Will Change Your Life.  They Define Who You Are And Allow You To Become The Very Best You Possible.  Taking A Small Amount Of Time For Yourself In The Morning To Put Yourself In A Strong State Of Mind Allows You To Become Proactive And Create The Day You Want  Instead Of Being Reactive And Simply Responding To What The Day Offers. 

The Most Successful People In The World All Have Rituals, Especially Morning Rituals, That They Do Consistently.  Their Success Doesn't Happen By Luck, So Here Are A Few Tips For Creating Some Rituals For Your Own Life That Have Been Gathered From The Brightest People In The World Such As Tony Robins, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Steven King, Richard Branson, And Many More.  Some Of Them May Sound Simple, But When You Do The Same Things As Successful People Do, You'll Get The Same Successful Results.  Of Course, You'll Want To Modify & Create Something Unique That Works For You By Using This Guide.  These Rituals Can Then Be Put Into Your Life Planner Program So You Can Use Them Everyday ...  

Morning Rituals:  

The First Hour Is The Rudder Of The Day.  The First Hour Can Many Times Set The Tone For Your Entire Day So Please Take It Seriously - It's The Most Important.


A Smile Is A Curve That Sets Everything Straight!

First Thing In The Morning Upon Waking Up, Smile!  Put A Huge Grin On Your Face And Really Feel It.  Smiling Is One Of The Most Important Things You Can Do Because It Changes Your Biochemistry And Puts You Into A Good State.  

While You're Smiling, Remind Yourself That Today Is A Precious Gift That Not Everyone Gets.  You'll Feel A Sense Of Gratitude & Appreciation That You Have Another Day To Create, Experience, Love, And Enjoy.

Stretch & Breath

"Breath Is The Link Between Mind And Body" - Dan Brule

Oxygen Is The Most Important Thing The Cells In Your Body Need.  Take Several Long, Deep Breaths In Through Your Nose And Out Through Your Mouth While At The Same Time Stretching Your Entire Body To Put You Into A Deep State Of Relaxation.

Close Your Eyes And Continue To Breath Deeply While Concentration On Each Part Of Your Body To Relax It Even Deeper.  Start With Your Head, Face, Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Fingers, Chest, Stomach, Hips, Thighs, Knees, Ankles Feet, Down To Your Toes.  In The Extreme Relaxed State, Move On

"A Moment Of Gratitude Makes A Difference In Your Attitude" - Bruce Wilkinson


It's Hard To Have A Bad Day When You Start It With A Sense Of Gratitude.  Cultivate A Habit Of Being Grateful For All The Good Things That Come To You, Many Of Which We Take For Granted.

With Your Eyes Still Closed And Breathing Deeply, Think Of At Least 3 Things That You Are Grateful For Each Day. Think Of 1 Major Thing Which Might Be Your Spouse, Family, Children, Health, Etc., And Then Think Of 2 Small, Simple Things Like The Breeze Outside, The Sunrise, Safe Drinking Water, A Soft Pillow, A Hot Cup Of Coffee, Etc. Which Teaches You To Be Thankful For The Small Things In Life Which Are Often Overlooked.


"When One Starts To Visualize The Impossible, One Begins To See It As Possible" - Cheri Carter-Scott

While You're Still In This State Of Deep Relaxation, Take A Few Brief Moments And Visualize Your Perfect Day. What Will You Do, What Will You Accomplish, What Makes You Excited?  

Remember Great Days In The Past, What Gave You Joy & Happiness Those Days.  Use All Your Senses When You Picture The Experience In Your Mind.

Visualizing Your Perfect Day Will Program Your Subconscious To Achieve It.  Just As Your Heart Will Be Beating And Your Lungs Will Be Breathing Without You Having To Consciously Think About It, Your Subconscious Mind Will Be Moving You Towards That Picture You Created Of Your Ideal Day In The Same Manner, Like A Guided Missile,  If That Image Is Strong Enough.

Incantations / Affirmations

"It's The Repetition Of Affirmations That Leads To Belief, And Once That Belief Becomes A Strong Conviction, Things Start To Happen" - Muhammad Ali

We Have A List And Some Recordings In The Advance Learning Center (Available Only In The Diamond Addition) That Can Help You Create Custom Affirmations For Yourself, As Well As In The Start Of Each Goal Set To Put You In A Peak State To Start Your Day.

You Can Include Many Of Your Desired Character Traits, As Well As The Virtues, Values & Rules You Set For Yourself.  By Repeating These Affirmations Each Day With Intensity & Emotion, You Can Reinforce The Desired Trait And strengthen The Belief In Your Mind To Bring It Out As An Everyday Truth In Your Life.

Read Over Your Life Planner

"Do Or Do Not - There Is No 'Try'" 
- Yoda

It's Important To Read Over Your Life Goals Everyday without exceptions!  You don't "plan" on it or "try" to do it everyday - you just do it without fail!  Reading Your Goals Should Scare You A Little (Remember To Think Big!) And Excite You A Lot.

Read Your Goals With Enthusiasm, Passion, Certainty, And Belief To Fire You Up, Give You Purpose, And Make You Anxious To Start Your Day!  Prioritize The Things You'll Be Doing Today So That The Majority Of Everything You Do Brings You Closer To Accomplishing Your Life Dreams

"We Can't Solve Our Problems With The Same Kind Of Thinking We Used When We Created Them" - Albert Einstein

Learn Something New 

Wise People Never Stop Learning.  If You're Not Willing To Learn, No One Can Help You.  If You're Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop You!  

Learning New Things Every Day Gives You New Talents, Skills, And Allows You To Think Outside The Box Giving You New Perspectives.

It Could Be By Reading A Book, Listen To An Audio Tape While You Ride A Bike Or Do The Dishes, Watch A Video While On The Treadmill So You Can Easily Learn Something New (Exercising Your Mind) While Exercising Your Body.

"Health Is An Asset Without Equal" - Basque Proverb

Focus On Your Physical Body  

This Is Probably The Most Common Ritual Among extremely Successful People In The World.  They Take Time For Themselves, Generally In Nutrition & Exercise, To Make Sure Their Bodies Can Take Them Through The Day.  

Nutrition Can Range From Drinking Water (Lots Of It) Because Our Bodies Dehydrate During Sleep & 70% Of Our Body Is Water So It's Important To Rehydrate, To Juicing For A Boost Of Energy, To A Simple Healthy Breakfast.

Exercise Can Range From Walking, Running, Dancing, Jumping Up & Down To Hardcore Workouts, Basically Anything That Gets Your Body Moving.  This Movement Will Have Tremendous Health Benefits On Your Body By Enhancing Your State, Your Emotions, Your Energy Levels, Increasing Oxygen Levels, And Stimulation Your Lymphatic System Among Just A Few.

The Distance Between Your Dreams And Reality Is Called Action!

Plan Your Day & Take Action!

Now That You're In A Peak State (Both Physically & Mentally) It's Time To Direct Your Energy Towards The Most Important Objectives You Want To Accomplish Today!  Take Your Highest Priorities, Write Them Down, And Then Answer The Following Questions To Each One.  

1.  Start With The End In Mind.  What's The Outcome Or End
     Result You Want To Have?

2.  What Is The Purpose Of This Objective - Why Do You Want
     To Accomplish It?

3.  Your Action Plan; What Are The Steps & Actions You Must
     Take To Achieve This Result?