Never Miss Twice
This Simple Strategy Can Help You Keep Any & All Good Habits You Want To Enjoy.  Maybe It's Physical Exercise.  If So, Never Miss Exercising 2 Days In A Row.  Maybe It's Healthy Eating So You Don't Indulge 2 Days In A Row.  

This can be also be used to transform a Bad Habit Into A Good Habit.  Take The Habit You're Wanting To Change And Rephrase It Into The Good Habit You Want To Replace It With And Then Use This Strategy To Stay Focused.

It Also Works With Activities That We Want To Control In Moderation.  Maybe It's Drinking Alcohol, If You Have A Glass Of Wine (Or Your Other Favorite Beverage) One Day, You Don't Have Any The Next.  Any Habit Can Be Sustained Using This Technique.
Good Habits I Want To Enforce By Never Missing Them 2 Days In A Row ...








